You would like to add or replace a photo (image) on a content page in Drupal.Purpose
The purpose of this guide is to demonstrate how to add an image to a content page in Drupal using HTML code automatically generated by Flickr.Example 1:
College of Creative Arts content producers and editors using the Drupal CMS.Solution
Part 1:
Login to your department's Flickr account.- Upload the image to your department's Flickr account.
- For the photo title, enter the full name of the person in the photo.
- Add the following tags to the photo: people "Firstname Lastname"
Part 2:
Copy the HTML code for the image.- Click on the ALL SIZES link above the image.
- From the Available sizes list, select: Square (75x75) .
- Add this photo to your site by using the first option: 1. Copy and paste this HTML into your webpage…. (Note: this option is only available if you are logged in to your Flickr account.)
Part 3:
Login to DrupalClick on Create Content, Page.
Paste the HTML image code into the Body textbox before the start of the first paragraph.
Part 4:
Add stylesheet classes to the A (link) and IMG (image) HTML elements of your photo.- <a class="bare"…—removes bottom border from link.
- <img class="float"…—floats image to the left of the paragraph text.
<a class="bare" href="" title="Ricardo Gomes by design.sfsu, on Flickr"><img class="float" src="" width="75" height=75" alt="Ricardo Gomes" /></a>
Final Step:
Publish the page.Use the Submit button to publish the page.
Example 4:
Note: If you notice any errors delete the image code and carefully follow the steps outlined in this document.