October 29, 2008

Drupal: Page headers

Page headers (Imageboxes) on department sites require three parts:
  1. A background image.
  2. Brief, descriptive heading and a link to an edited photoset or set of tagged photos on Flickr.
  3. A list of pages where the Imagebox should or shouldn't appear.
All of these elements--image+text+link--are then added as a content “block” of HTML code into the Drupal CMS. As a block within Drupal, Imageboxes can be configured to show up on all site pages or just a specific page (or set of pages).

Imagebox templates

ZIP contains layered PSD files for creating frontpage and subpage header background images. Send final elements (image+text+urls) to catsweb@sfsu.edu.

Disqus for Passing the Word